Friday, September 28, 2012

kyle wolfe 10/1/12 civics
 opinion on abortion

 My opinion on abortion is i dont care for it at all. If you dont want the baby give it to some one that would care for it that cant have kids they would appiciate it i think. A baby is a breathing thing it has feelings. Abortion is my opinion is like just murdering some one.


 1. if they got raped or something

2. it’s the mothers choice

3. if the mother would die or
something like that

4. If you were poor maybe.

5. If you are too young and don’t understand

6. child has feelings to

7. If you can't afford to support a baby

8. If you aren't mentally stable

9. Don't have a good fit home

10. do drugs, alcohol, etc


1. I think it should be illegal

2. If u don’t want it let someone have it that can't have a baby

3. The sixth commandment they shall not kill

4. I don’t care for abortion

5. A baby is a breathing thing

6. The baby is innocent

7. It's not far to make a baby then take it's life away

8. You wanna take the responcibilty for being sexually active, you should be responsible for taking care of a baby

9. It's not fair for the baby because it didn't make the choice to be made

10. No life that hasn't been born yet shouldn't be taken

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