Friday, September 28, 2012

bellringer 9/28/12

yes                                                                                                     no
                                                                                          Stupid eople would miss use them.
To protect themselves.                                                          It would cause a crime. 
  We have the right to bear arms .                                         Make people be scared to come to school.
                                                                                                 people may get killed.
People would think twice about waht they might try to do.     More crimes.
People would be scared of a bully anymore.                            More bullying.
Less crimes.                                                                                Not tested in all colleges.
People wouldnt be scared of school.                                          Fight would end up fatale. 
  Less bullying.                                                                           Certain people dont need that
Tested in over 200 colleges before.                                            oppertunity in school.
Has been used in certain colleges before.                                  More people would go to jail.
No more fights would happen.  

   I think that conceled weapons would be a good thing in many way if uyou got people that want missuse it. But then on the other hand you have some crazy people that will and cause a big crime or something like that will happen.                                                               

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