Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/18/12 bellringer

The gun law

The gun law is good thing the way it is they just should montor who buys them and keep record of it when they do so they can trtack it back.

Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/12 bellringer

 I think that was a very bad thing that happened to those kids at school. They was just little kids and that dumb stupid man had to do that.http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-connecticut-school-shooting-funerals-20121217,0,2307742.story
   The people over seas was even supporting the little kids that got killed. I think they should have a cop or security guard in every school. Maybe it will help out. And that want ever happen again.http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/16/us/connecticut-school-shooting/index.html

Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/12 bellringer.

 Well im like that i will give some one something if they need it but i dont like if they still it or somethink like that. I wouldnt change my last name i like it if you was given that name you shouldnt want to change it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/12 bellringer

Well i dont think it should matter if they are heavy or not aslong as they forfill the reqirerments for the army or navy or what ever they are in.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 bellringer

Well i thought it was a crazy thing that happened down there it prob messed alot of stuff up. At least no one got hurt in that fire.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11/12 bellringer

I believe the fiscal cliff will fail and definitely not help our government. The deal wont be passed by Christmas just because it takes to long to pass it. i can see it being passed by the new year. Maybe

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/10/12 bellringer

I dont like to see some little kids do that if they did it i think they are to young to do something like. I think they should get introuble if they did it to that  woman.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/6/12 bellringer

Well i dont care much for those people they try to get people to get into fights and just make a big seen. If they would just do there job and quit trying to full with other things in the society it would be to bad inthe economy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/12 bellringer

 I think if a woman wants to go to the military she should. But on the other hand if she is pregnant she shouldnt be able to go.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/12 bellringer

Well i can say i think about hypocritical things. One thing i hate that ost is when some one is a hypocrite.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/3/12 bellringer

 I dont think they should increase your learning time cause it is long now and it doesnt need to be any longer. If anything they should shorten it up some.

Friday, November 30, 2012

11/30/12 bellringer

I dont like what that woman did if she really did it to her daughter. If she did it she should have got introuble.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

11/30/12 civics assignment

  1.  Jamacia is almost a mdc it is a less devoloped country.
  2. Jamacia  is not a immagration country.
  3. they have limestone coffee beans and many more things.
  4. They have many jobs restaurant jobs and government jobs more jobs to choose from.factories and many
  5. There mininum wages are the same as ares 7.25 and hour and there liveing wages are alittle less than ares in west virginia.
  6. No dumping waist in the rivers.
  7. The have salt and limestone mines that people work at.
  8. they have great places for vacation
  9. There aint much places to work.
  10. Well you would have to adjust to the new climate and the different people and the different languages. And the different foods that they have. 


Well i dont really know why they they meet to talk. I would want to meet him if he won against in the election.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28/12 bellringer

Well the first thing i would do if i won the lottery i would buy me a brand new dodge pickup then i would go on a big hunting trip to alaska. Then what ever money that my family needs they could have it to do what ever they want with it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27/12 civics

                                                         Define words
  • economy is were people live and thers ways and beliefs.
  • culture diversity is  a variety of human cultures or the societies.
  • Industry is were people work big places the manufacture alot for the country.
  • Environment is the land and how it is.
  • Assimilation different back ground people trying to adjust to new ways.
  • Globleization is the whole nation and how it works.
  • MDC a democrat change in the nation.
  • Forced migration when you are forced to leave your home or country.
  • Volentary migration where a person volinteers to move there area.
  • LDC more or less undevloped
  • Mental mapping mapping stuff in your head.
  • Immagration people from different countries move in to the usa.
  • Statistical measurment a measurment based on stats.

11/27/12 civics bellringer

I think it is a pretty good thing that they are doing for the people that lost what they lost alittle here and there it helps them alot. It is a good thing aslong as they dont get carried away with it .

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12 bellringer

 I dont know much about what they are talking about but i dont beileve in abortion. I think if you get a girl pregnant you should take resposibility for it and take care of it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

10-29-12 bellringer

Well there is a few things i dont like that he did but i dont really care who gets president as long as they do there job.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10-25-12 bellringer

 I dont know much about what they are talking about but they shouldnt joke around cause they need to be serious about being president.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10-24-12 bellringer

I dont know to much about what he is talking about but i do agree with him on helping the poor out more.

10-23-12 bellringer

I think it is two much money to spend just for that. I think they should use that money for something ealse that people need.

Monday, October 22, 2012

10-22-12 bellringer

I dont know to much about what they are talking about. But i know it is about regarding bus trips or something like that.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10-19-12 bellringer

I really dont understand the bellringer much but i know that the comedian guy was just messing around with him with those pictures.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10-18-12 bellringer

I really understand what they are talking about but i did understand that they wanted to lower taxes i think that is an good idea.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

bellringer 10-16-12

I dont really know much about this voteing and candidate stuff. But i think they need to get somebody in there that can do something for are country.

Monday, October 15, 2012

It talks about jfk speeching on nixon.
President gerald ford talking about thee is not o soviet union leading europe.
Well i think it is a good idea to have the no child left behind stuff sometimes. There is some students that need held behind. But there is some that just cant do the stuff.

Friday, October 12, 2012

 I dont think they should do racial remarks to people.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tell you the truth  i dont really understand the article. But it is about the workers union and stuff like that.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I dont really care who gets elected aslong as we get someone good for are counrty who can change it in good ways.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I think it is a very good law to have. I think that people should have to show photo idenifacation cause you never know who it might be.

Obama defended health care act and he hammered for tax propasals. Mitt Romney reminded voters that obama slowd the growth of jobs. Romney would reduce taxes.

Obama casted romney bad for the working americans. He slammed romney for wanting to change medicare into a voucher. They battled for 90 minutes on wendnesday.

compare                                                                     constrast
Romney was the  dominant candinate.                     Obama was bashing romney
Romney was the most energtic.                                 Obama had a few good points
Obama didnt do much.                                              Romney was made out to be a bad guy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It doesnt really matter to me who gets president as long as some who gets it does some good for the country.

Friday, September 28, 2012

kyle wolfe 10/1/12 civics
 opinion on abortion

 My opinion on abortion is i dont care for it at all. If you dont want the baby give it to some one that would care for it that cant have kids they would appiciate it i think. A baby is a breathing thing it has feelings. Abortion is my opinion is like just murdering some one.


 1. if they got raped or something

2. it’s the mothers choice

3. if the mother would die or
something like that

4. If you were poor maybe.

5. If you are too young and don’t understand

6. child has feelings to

7. If you can't afford to support a baby

8. If you aren't mentally stable

9. Don't have a good fit home

10. do drugs, alcohol, etc


1. I think it should be illegal

2. If u don’t want it let someone have it that can't have a baby

3. The sixth commandment they shall not kill

4. I don’t care for abortion

5. A baby is a breathing thing

6. The baby is innocent

7. It's not far to make a baby then take it's life away

8. You wanna take the responcibilty for being sexually active, you should be responsible for taking care of a baby

9. It's not fair for the baby because it didn't make the choice to be made

10. No life that hasn't been born yet shouldn't be taken

bellringer 9/28/12

yes                                                                                                     no
                                                                                          Stupid eople would miss use them.
To protect themselves.                                                          It would cause a crime. 
  We have the right to bear arms .                                         Make people be scared to come to school.
                                                                                                 people may get killed.
People would think twice about waht they might try to do.     More crimes.
People would be scared of a bully anymore.                            More bullying.
Less crimes.                                                                                Not tested in all colleges.
People wouldnt be scared of school.                                          Fight would end up fatale. 
  Less bullying.                                                                           Certain people dont need that
Tested in over 200 colleges before.                                            oppertunity in school.
Has been used in certain colleges before.                                  More people would go to jail.
No more fights would happen.  

   I think that conceled weapons would be a good thing in many way if uyou got people that want missuse it. But then on the other hand you have some crazy people that will and cause a big crime or something like that will happen.                                                               

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I dont like the school lunches i think they should be better if u get unhealthy from them that is your problem. But my grade school lunches were pretty good.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It doesnt really matter to me me but if i had to pick i think it should be aloud.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tell you the truth i dont care who gets it as long as we dont loose the coal idustry that we need.

Friday, September 21, 2012

I think it was pretty cool that he put it on the side of his van. But if she comes home to make things right that is her choice.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

That is not a very good thing to do i think.It would have been not that bad if she was cheating on him. But there is proffesianal people that do that stuff for you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

 If she wants to do that it is her bisness to do. But it will be hard to sell it at a convinient store.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I didnt like how they was makeing fun of them cause it will just cause another war.

Monday, September 17, 2012

civics lesson

This delegate took notes at the

Philadelphia Convention.

Name:James Madison


Age/Year of Birth: March 16, 1751

Two Additional Clues: he died on  June 28, 1836 , he was president

Clue: he has a college named after him.

He refused to sign the Constitution.

Name: goarge mason

State: virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 1725

Two Additional Clues:he married ann thomas mason he died in 1792

Clue: he had a son

This delegate was the head of the

Virginia delegation to the convention.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He practiced in law in Williamsburg.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He studied medicine in Scotland.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


This Framer emancipated his slaves in

his will.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was responsible for the Judiciary Act

of 1789.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was the chairman of the Committee

on Style.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served on the committees that draft

both the Declaration of Independence

and the Article of Confederation.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He studied law in Philadelphia.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was a roommate of James Madison

at the College of New Jersey.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served as the first postmaster general

of Wilmington.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He voted against independence and did

sign the Declaration of Independence.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He voted against the independence, but

signed the Declaration of




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He was born in Connecticut.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


During the Revolution he served as a

lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


Served as one of the original trustees of

the University of Georgia at Athens.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


His notes at the convention described the

personalities of others.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He studied in Flanders, Belgium.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He died three years after the convention.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was opposed to increasing the power

of the federal government.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was called away from the convention

due to family illness.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


This Framer studied law under Thomas




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


After Shays’ Rebellion, he spoke out

against giving the common people too

much power.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He became an apprentice to a merchant

at the age of fifteen.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was born in the territory that became




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


In his early twenties he contracted

smallpox, which damaged his eyesight.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He came late to the convention and

served on Committee of Postponed




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


His wealth came from investing in trade.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He was arrested by the British for

treason, rescued by a group of patriots.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He went to convention because his

father and an associate decided not to




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He is not to be confused with the

gentlemen from Georgia who also did

not sign the Constitution.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served as a missionary among the

Mohawk Indians as a teen.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was born in Ireland and came to the

colonies at the age of two.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



During the Revolution he served as

secretary and aide to General




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He believed that the Articles of

Confederation should simply have been




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served eight years as chief justice of

the New York Supreme Court.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


In 1790, he moved, settling in what is

now Tennessee, and was one of its first

U.S. senators.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was born in North Carolina, but

raised in Ireland and Scotland.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He was educated to be a minister, but

studied medicine in Europe.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was one of the founders of the

University of North Carolina.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was tried and acquitted of the charge

of cowardice after the Battle of




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


His Poor Richard’s Almanac was read




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was expelled from the Quaker church

for his military service.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He served as superintendent of finance

under the Articles of Confederation..



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He lived in Philadelphia, where he was a

prominent businessman.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


This delegate was born in Connecticut,

the son of a British colonial official.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


After the Revolutionary war, he

defended loyalists and their




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


Early in life, he lost a leg in a carriage




Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:



He studied law in London, then

practiced law and built a fortune.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served in the military during the

Revolution and was held as a prisoner

for two years.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He was an older cousin to delegate with

almost the same name.



Age/Year of Birth:

Two Additional Clues:


He served in the British Army until

1771, when he resigned after marrying

a colonial girl.



Age/Year of Birth:


I side with Mitt Romney on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.
Everybody makes mistakes in there life. I dont know much about it though it should have not happened.
I dont think the mayor should be able to ban soda. If people want to drink let them it is there life.

Monday, September 10, 2012

 It is how he does things. I dont think he should be able to take the coal mines out

Friday, September 7, 2012

Im agaist them trying to take my guns i love to hunt and i dont want that messed up.
I dont really care about gay marriage. But it is there opinion to do what ever they want i dont care. As long as they dont come hittting on me i will be just fine.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I think it is a good idea to figer print people. Because you never know who going to try to get in

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

 I think it is ok to give your kids three dollars or what ever you want to give them. It is ok cause it makes the kids feel good when they loose a tooth. They look forward to something.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I think they should be able to ID you before you can vote. Because you never know who is going to try to vote.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I thought that was a bad hurrican. But we have had badder ones over the years that have did more to the country.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I think that is crazy for someone to do that. If you get introuble you should just take your punishment. And go along with your life.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1)Who was the author?
 James Madison

2)When was the paper written?
3)Who was the audience for this paper?
4)What is a faction?
 A group of citizens
5)What are some examples of factions today?
 Republicans and democrats.
6) There would be costant fighting it is a bad idea.
7) What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
8) How would a republic control factions according to the author?
He clamed that the republican form of government created by the costitution would allow faction
The one trust in government one doesnt.

compare and contrast federalists and antifederalists

I am a federalists and Samual Adams was a antifederalists. Samual Adams was 65. And I was 54 years old. I was born in virginia And Samual Adams born to a brewer. I was with the costitutian. Sam Adams was against the costitutian. They didnt get along to well.

George Washington federalists

 Who are you? How old are you in 1787? I am George Washington. Iam 54 years old in 1787.

What is your personal history up to 1787? I was the first president . I was chief in the contenitional war.

What was your role in costitutional convention? I was president of it.

 What stated views would explain your actions during the costitutional convention? I was president of it .

What is your stance during the ratifying convention? Who supports your view point? Didnt attend but wrote a letter to them.

What are your view points of the new government? What are the benifits or dangers. Iam with the new goverment. The benifit is it will help things out. www. archives .gov

The warden is wrong i thing cause he should be able to pray.He has every right to.

Monday, August 27, 2012

I dont think that it fair to her what they did to her. If her religion dont want her to wear them cloths. She should be able to wear what she wants.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Notes 8/24/12

Federalists was the ones who supported the costitution.    James Madison wrote the costitution.
The antifederalist were against it.
The federalist papers were a writen in support of the costitution.
Delaware was the first state to raify.

Antifederalists Patrick Henry George Mason and Richard Henry Lee from
Virginia George Clinton Robert Yates and Melanesian Smith
from New York, John Winthrop and El bridge Gerry from
Massachusetts and Robert Whitehall William Findley and John
Smilier from Pennsylvania.
     FederalistsJohn Hancock
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
John JaY
George Washington
John Adams
It is good to post info on twitter about the campaign. It lets people know what is going on. It  is bad that people start rumors about other people.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1. Define the Constitution…..in your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences) The constitution is the supreme law of the united states. It is were all the decisions are made. It is the head quaters of america.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ? It would be bad cause there wouldnt be any rules. It be a mess. There would be some crazy stuff going on in the world.

3. Define the following words:

Ratification  makeing something valid confirming it.

Faction  A small organized group.

Federalism  The federal principal system of government.

Federalist/ Antifederalist  Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S.

Compromise To compromise is to make a deal between different parties where each party gives up part of their demand.

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise) The Great Compromise was an agreement made among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention that the American government .

Checks and Balances The system of checks and balances is an important part of the Constitution.

Democratic Republic democratic republic is a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens.

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government  Constitutional powers sighned to the government.

Reserved Powers of the State Governments Power set aside by the costitution.

Separation of Powers A model for the government of both democrat and federal states.

Civil Liberties One fredom to exercise one right.

Well i thought i would do better but i got half of it. I got five out of ten that isnt to bad.
I think rick santorum has the right to be a pittsburgh steelers fan if he wants. He shouldnt have to put a greenbay packers hat on if he doesnt want to. They shouldnt make him. He can cheer for what ever team he wants to.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BR 8/22/12

I think obama will get reelected again since he was already there
last term. But if Mitt Romney get it there will be alot of stuff change in are country.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

about me

     Hey my name is kyle wolfe. I am 18 years old. I was born on june 7th 1994 in Morgantown WV.
I have a little brother he is 9 years old his name is gunnar. He goes to school at volga century.
    I also like to hunt and fish my favorite type of hunting is bow. I go to ohio every year to bow hunt.
I have a nice eleven point mounted that i got in ohio two years ago. I also like to go to the mountains and trout fish with my grandpa he is fun to fish with. I like to go fourwheeler riding with my little broth that is always fun. That is a few things about me that i like to do.